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LinkSports makes you accessible and your data more relevant & visible to the sports ecosystem.

We are building a genuinely global presence, but with the advantage of a decentralized growth corporate strategy. Different sports can use the same infrastructure but need a unique marketing and management team adapted to each country and profound knowledge of the local sports ecosystem.


With an adaptable user interface, we provide an international experience with the flexibility to adjust to that specific sports market’s regional cultural aspects. Linksports’ system is designed using a modular back-office, so after onboarding, the athlete’s profile data and performance marks are consistent and aligned exclusively to his/her favourite sports reality and statistics. Regardless of the country and which one of the six sports verticals chosen, only certified performance and proven athletic achievement data are finally registered indelibly in the Blockchain.


Besides the aspiring semi-professional athlete, Linksports brings value and empowers the user’s network effect: the concept of micro-sponsorship allows a combination of a social media and marketplace platform with the monetization of a dedicated sports closed-loop cryptocurrency.

© 2025 LinkSports International, Inc.
TD Canada Trust Tower, 161 Bay Street, 27th Floor, Toronto, ON M5J 2S1, Canada